Antiques, Guns, Collectibles, Farm Equipment, Furniture, Lawn & Garden
April 12, 2014
240 Moyer Road, Morgantown, PA 19543
Saturday, April 12, 2014 at 9:00 AM. Antiques: Two small roll top desks, swinging butter churn, child’s press back rocker…Collectibles: Old tins, Longaberger baskets, misc. prints, wash board, pottery pieces… Guns: Remington 20 gauge 870 LW special, Remington 12 gauge 870 LW special…Glassware: Carnival glass, cranberry hobnail, flow blue…Furniture: Two dressers, Chippendale style block lid desk, wooden high chair…Farm Equipment: Two Farmall Cubs (one restored with cultivator, one in good shape with sickle bar mower), 50 to 60 4′ to 6′ balled blue spruce trees, Agrotec 100 gal high pressure sprayer on wheels…Lawn & Garden: Two Wheelhorse tractors, John Deere L100 riding mower…and much more. For a more detailed listing please see the brochure.